The "tarball" command:

Usage: fossil tarball VERSION OUTPUTFILE [OPTIONS]

Generate a compressed tarball for a specified version. If the --name option is used, its argument becomes the name of the top-level directory in the resulting tarball. If --name is omitted, the top-level directory name is derived from the project name, the check-in date and time, and the artifact ID of the check-in.

The GLOBLIST argument to --exclude and --include can be a comma-separated list of glob patterns, where each glob pattern may optionally be enclosed in "..." or '...' so that it may contain commas. If a file matches both --include and --exclude then it is excluded.

If OUTPUTFILE is an empty string or "/dev/null" then no tarball is actually generated. This feature can be used in combination with the --list option to get a list of the filenames that would be in the tarball had it actually been generated. Note that --list shows only filenames. "tar tzf" shows both filesnames and subdirectory names.


-X|--exclude GLOBLIST
Comma-separated list of GLOBs of files to exclude
--include GLOBLIST
Comma-separated list of GLOBs of files to include
Show archive content on stdout
The name of the top-level directory in the archive
Specify a Fossil repository